Cevennes valleysCevennes valleys
©Cevennes valleys

Sustainable tourism

The Cevennes, more than a destination, an immersion experience

You have chosen the Cevennes to recharge your batteries in a preserved nature and find the calm of green landscapes and isolated valleys. Be actors of your stay and become inhabitants of passage.

To accompany you at best in your stay, Cévennes Tourism is committed to your side in this dynamic and helps you choose responsible accommodation that meets your expectations as well as activities that respect the environment.
The objective is to promote meetings and make you discover our territory in immersion in these lands so singular with actors committed to progress.

Sustainable Tourism Label

Following the need to offer sustainable tourism services, Cévennes Tourisme is developing its Engagé(e)s Tourisme Durable label to complement the Esprit Parc brand, which applies only on the territory of the Cévennes National Park.

The objective of this certification is to promote a more environmentally friendly tourism to preserve natural areas and the living environment.

Our partners who wish to do so can apply for the label. Following a thorough audit, a commission determines the level of “commitment” of the professional: 1 eco-motivated; 2 eco-involved; 3 eco-exemplary. You can filter our label holders in our partner lists.

A label to complement the Esprit Parc brand of the Cévennes National Park

Inspired by nature, the Esprit Parc brand allows you to choose for your vacation, an accommodation, a tasting or an activity to disconnect from your daily life and get closer to the essential. This network of committed actors allows to enhance this beautiful territory while preserving its resources.

This brand applies on the territory of the Cevennes National Park. You can also get closer to the professionals of the Label Engagé(e)s Tourisme Durable, who share common values to move towards a tourism that is more respectful of its environment and living.

The Cevennes National Park and the Tourist Offices of the territory are committed to act around common and shared values to preserve our natural areas and our living environment.

And if you travel differently?

Reinvent discovery with over 1,800 km of trails, accessible on foot. A part is also possible by mountain bike, VTC or horseback, our itineraries adapt to all levels and desires.

From a simple family stroll to a multi-day itinerant hike, everyone is sure to find the formula that suits them.

Meet the local actors, take the time to taste our local products, marvel at the unique and preserved fauna and flora that surround you… in the respect of the lands you will tread.

And much more to LIVE your trip!

Bathing in the Cevennes

Eco-gestures to adopt

The Cevennes are a destination of choice for river lovers.

Turquoise in color in spring, it reminds us of its vulnerability in the summer season with lower water levels. Adopt the right reflexes to ensure that this precious asset is preserved.

River swimming spots in the Cevennes are numerous. You will not find large stretches of water but small corners (of paradise) here or there to refresh yourself in an exceptional and protected setting.

Take the time to enjoy!

Local products

Staying in the Cevennes allows you to offer your senses a whole range of emotions! Take the time to taste our varied and quality local products. Cévennes Tourisme invites you to discover, through its committed local partners, a gastronomic know-how based on the development of the resources of its territory.

Our friends

animal protectors

During your stay you will come across a good number of wild animals.

You are likely to fall under the spell of this incredible fauna.
Unfortunately it sometimes happens to find animals in distress, don’t panic, GOUPIL Connexion, the wildlife hospital can help them. Once treated, the association releases the boarders into the wild under your tenderized eyes.

You can also follow the LPO Occitanie which aims to act for the bird, wildlife, nature and man, and fight against the decline of biodiversity. The LPO regularly proposes awareness actions to the public.

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