Near Alès, on the commune of Méjannes-les-Alès, Le Grenier aux abeilles is a family honey factory gathering beekeepers since several generations. Thus, we find all the products from the hive such as Royal Jelly, pollen, propolis, wax… The transformation from harvesting to putting in jars is going to be done on site which allows to avoid thermal shocks that could alter the quality. All the jars are kept at a constant temperature in order to preserve their properties and their creamy side.
The largest part of the production will come from the Gard but the hives are also moved to Lozère or Ardèche in order to have a wider choice of honeys (mountain, forest, lavender…)
This “Cévennes honey” is therefore produced by melliferous bees (raised in hives or wild), from the nectar of flowers, or secretions from plants, or found on them (honeydew). It is therefore going to be harvested in summer in an area that includes part of Gard, Lozere, Ardeche and Aveyron. It is this Mediterranean mountain climate with its specific flora that is the origin of its delicate taste.